/ mission
COMM’ON is a non-profit company, based in Athens, working as a “backbone” organization for innovative and sustainable societal collaborations in urban and rural communities. It has been designed as a multileveled space, where people - leading new societal activities - meet, learn from each other, exchange assets and co-create new effective and sustainable solutions for common living, building a new societal ecosystem.
/ VISION: We want to support the development of a sustainable participative ecosystem where all participants:
Contribute according to their potentials & Benefit according to their needs always with a final purpose of having a direct, strong, positive impact to common life.
/ ACTION: We act in order to empower the vivid network of the grassroot social activities, encourage collaborations among different socially orientated stakeholders and support the process of translating commonly built knowledge to policy making assets.
Empower the vivid network of the grassroots social activities
co-ordinate and support collaborative and cross-sectoral activities among different societal stakeholders.
develop & support
Encourage collaborations among different socially oriented stakeholders
Design, develop and implement social innovation programs and projects
in order to facilitate different
societal stakeholders’ needs.
Support translating commonly built knowledge to policy making assets
Map and harvest the development
of the new ecosystem locally
and trans-locally.