In March 2024 the first Drystone School of Petra Tilos took place in Tilos with the participation of the local community, 11 days of events including: talks, screenings, drystone classes, games and much more!

After 4 months of co-designing and co-development with the local comminity, Petra Tilos team implemented the 1st Drystone school of Tilos from March 29th till April 07th.
During the 11 days of the school, 5 local teams and more than 30 participants from the local community* presented 5 different parallel events along side the 4 "learning by doing" days for restoration techniques for drystone walls and paths.
*the teams were created during the community engagement process of Petra Tilos team.
More than 90 people participated in the activities that include:
2 screenings of the 3 out of 5 mini documentaries created by Petra Tilos
4 talks around around environmental sustainability, storytelling of local gardeners, archaological drystone builds and a presentation of the drystone school of Amorgos
4 days of building lessons and drystone restoration (restoration of ~100meters of drystone wall in the Potamos - Micro Chorio path)
1 walking route to Micro Chorio
Games for children on the thematic of stones
and a number of community pic nics!
The 1st drystone school was a prototype for Petra Tilos team, targeting the local community of Tilos and was not open to participants from other places in Greece, however we did have some visitors that we welcomed with open hearts. A big thank you to Mitato Amorgos for joining us, exchange knowledge and thoughts on our process, to the Municipality of Kassos for joining with Mr Ilias Mastropavlos and to (new) friends who traveled from Rhodes to see what we were doing and how their community could benefit from stone building techniques.
When: March - April 2024
Where: Tilos Island
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"Petra Tilos" is an initiative of a small group of people that want to engage and activate their community to collectivly learn and research the history of the dry stones constructions of Tilos Island.
The project is developed by a team of locals, with the suppost of AC Tilos, Blue Star Ferries and the Municipality of Tilos, in cooparation with COMM'ON and Tilos Youth Group (Enosi Neon Tilou).
The project is funded by Athina I. Martinou Foundation under Points Of Support programe, with the participation of 10 charitable organizations.