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toolkit for women empowerment for sustainable communities

Our #WeCoLead project closed the development phase of creating new tools that will support women empowerment and environmental sustainability. We now now present 3 new tools that young women and organizations who work with women empowerment can take into practice in order to support, empower, engage and advocate!

After an extensive research, workshops, testing and imput from 5 countires (Italy, Sweden, Greece, Hungary and Luxembourg) and more that 180 women participatns, WECOLEAD presents 3 methodological models that support women empowerment for sustainable communities.

How do these tools work?

*Reflective Methods for Female Leadership in Environmental Action:

This is a tool for young women who want to explore how they can become more active in their community. Understand more how they can use their power for environmental action, find their passion for action and engage themselves and others to create activities for sustainable development.

You can download the tool here

*Lab on Women Empowerment for Sustainable Communities:

This tool is a step by step methodological Lab that gives the opportunity for a. engagement processes that highlight women empowerment barriers and b. activity planning from young women leaders and/or organizations that want to work on women's empowerment.

The Lab promotes and highlights how young women empowerment can be directly linked with environmental sustainability and future sustainable communities.

You can download the tool and the supporting documents here

*Path of the Rain Dance (Working on joined projects for collective advocacy):

This tool is an activity "path" with multiple "stops" (workshops/activities) that can support teams and organizations to connect existing activities or create new projects in order to create a joined advocacy strategy.

The Path of the Rain Dance has been developed for teams and organizations that work for women empowerment and/or environemental sustainability but it could be also used for other social issues advocacy strategy development.

You can download the tool here

#WeCoLead is a KA2 Cooperation Partnership co-founded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. The project is led by SwIdeas AB in Sweden, and gather transnational partners from Italy (CESIE), Greece (COMM'ON), Hungary (SVF Subjective Values Foundation), and Luxembourg (FSL, Formation et Sensibilisation de Luxembourg)

The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


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